Spring Cleaning: Lets Make a Plan!
With Spring fast approaching and the weather turning milder it’s time to turn our eyes towards that pesky yearly chore that is Spring Cleaning. The yearly clean out of gutters, dust bunnies and general clutter can seem daunting (and lets be frank- boring) but that doesn’t mean it has to be! Spring is time of refreshing and renewal, so lets get ready to refresh and renew your home with a few easy tips to keep your spring cleaning organized and simple.
1. Make a plan! Ever heard the riddle, “How do you eat an elephant?” If you have, then you know the answer is “One bite at a time.” Make a plan to do one section of your house at a time. Figure out what needs to get prioritized and make that the first To Do on your list. Once you’ve established your master plan, you are well on your way to tackling the Spring Cleaning elephant.
2. Keep it Simple! Spring cleaning is meant for those items around the house that you don’t get to on a daily basis, so try not include every day chores like mopping or sweeping in the list. Instead focus on areas that truly need attention such as gutters, a/c units, and cleaning behind appliances such as the fridge & stove.
3. Declutter and Refresh at the Same Time! With all the bright colors and the scent of fresh flowers in the air, Spring is such a fun time to get organized. Spruce up your spring cleaning by replacing some home décor with fresh & new paintings, pictures, and pillows. Don't make the mistake of adding to the current décor. Make sure you either store or get rid of the old stuff first. Decluttering means that you get rid of the things that you no longer use or need. Have you used that blanket set in the back corner of your linen closet in the past couple of years? If the answer is no then it’s time to give it away! It’s always nice to bring in the fresh & new when you've tossed or donated the underused.
These are just three simple steps to begin organizing your spring cleaning schedule. Need more inspiration? We've created a great checklist for you. Download and print this handy list to keep you on track. Also, make sure to check out the Old Town Pinterest boards for more tips and tricks to a successful spring cleaning and as always, we at Old Town wish you a happy and sweet Spring!